Installing MIRACL (for dummies)
So you don’t waste a lot of time like I did.
Over the past few weeks I had to search for a crypto library so I could test my new authentication scheme I made and I ended up on the MIRACL github repository ( And I was on that repo for almost 2 days breaking my head trying to figure out how to install it. I eventually figured it out after giving up on life. So I decided to make a short manual (about the installation. Not giving up on life. Don’t do that. Here’s a helpline number: 022 2754 6669).
- Requirements
- Installation
- Ubuntu 18.04
- x86_64 CPU architecture. You can check this on your system using the lscpu command in the terminal.
- DON’T clone the repo. Download the zip.
- Make a new folder and put the zip folder in it. Let’s assume folder’s name is (it will be this unless you’re getting it from somewhere else).
3. In the folder, open the terminal and run the following command.
unzip -j -aa -L
You’ll be prompted for replacing some files. Input N (as shown below).
You’ll now get a lot of files extracted. Don’t panic.
4. Since we’re running on a 64 bit machine, we run
bash linux64
If you’re not on a 64 bit machine run
bash linux
If you want the C++ version (which is necessary for pairing based cryptography), run
bash linux64_cpp
After this, you’ll get a folder called miracl.a . Rename it to libmiracl.a .
6. To compile C programs, use a variation of the following command.
gcc <fileName>.c -I <header files location> -L. -lmiracl
gcc <fileName>.c -I <header files location> <library name>
Pretty simple right? Yay! Anyway, customize the above command. Since we only have 1 library (libmiracl.a), I keep it in my root directory. I copy and paste the header files into a folder called include for my needs. (Search for header files using Ctrl+F →*.h)
Command to compile for me
gcc 1.c -I ./include -L. -lmiracl
gcc 1.c -I ./include libmiracl.a