Quarantine Diaries — Chapter 3

The passing days and Boardwalk Empire.

3 min readApr 10, 2020

April 10, 2020

Nucky thompson looking towards the horizon
Me hoping to get a job after the lockdown

As the weekend approaches tomorrow and the lockdown continues, the amount of time I’m spending on my laptop is something that one might characterize as unhealthy. Literally everything in my life happens on a screen. This includes my social life (because lockdown), my studies (because lockdown) , my entertainment (because lockdown) and Boardwalk Empire (because Nucky). While there are non screen things I can do like stare at wall I’d prefer not to. So lets move on to what I did in the past 3 days, because lockdown.

A11y Talks

A screenshot of my desktop with a collection of different logos
All the failed logos. The one with the stars looks like a communist logo, which I thought was funny.

Seen above is a collection of failed logos and banners for A11y Talks. Me and Deepak sat for a lot of time to make sketch this and I’m gonna be honest. I get why artists do drugs. Because it was so insane. We had to push a logo out by Thursday afternoon or we’d have a hammer dropped on us so we started in the morning (obviously) . At the end of the day we went for the more simple logos, “because accessibility logos are supposed to be simple”, said Deepak as I bashed my head against a wall. I believe he was bashing his head too with the number of sighs in his voice and “oh god”. We got it done eventually and it went up. Visit the site to see the final logo. Look at the Facebook page too for the banner we made. It looks cool (I think) !

Online classes

Out of all the things to hate, these would be it. Fuck these from the bottom of my heart. I get why we have them and I understand the need for them but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to murder the dude who thought of the idea. Anyway, the fact that you can switch off the camera and mute your mic atleast keeps me sane because I can go get a cup of coffee in the middle. The most depressing part of the holidays.

Spark AR

One of the few things I’m proud of, I’m in a spark AR course held by Facebook developers group. Satyam too. We’re making some progress but even though I’m not really sure where we compare to other teams, I think we’re doing decent.

A sketch/wireframe for a holographic 3d navigation system.
One of our AR ideas.

My projects

A Test sheet with Multiple Choice Questions that can be read by the OMR program. (OMR = Optical Mark Recognition)

My true goal. To do as many projects (5 actually but most of these are practice projects so they don’t count) as possible. Any way, I tried some projects.

  1. https://github.com/CaptainLazarus/ImageProcessing
  2. https://github.com/CaptainLazarus/PerspectiveTransform
  3. https://github.com/CaptainLazarus/OMR-Scanner

(1) is a collection of what you can do using openCV. A great way to practice and helps me in my Computer Vision course too.

(2) lets me change the perspective of an image given its contours (which I detect using certain assumptions). Interesting and very useful for document analysis.

(3) is an OMR scanner which I assume is like OCR’s older brother. It makes use of (2) and honestly requires some more reading from my part. Should revise.




I do stuff. Like stuff about code. And book stuff. And gaming stuff. And stuff about life. And stuff about stuff.